All Change...

Hi there,

You may have noticed that the shop hours have been updated to different opening days.

I’m having some huge personal shifts in my life and have to adapt the shop and my circumstances accordingly - the shop hours have changed because I am taking on a part-time job as well as working at Fankle. I have to have a more regular income stream coming in as my daughter and I will be striking out on our own; our house is already for sale, we are looking to buy somewhere else my new job starts in a week - its all change, and all scary and all within a short time frame.

Luckily our separation is amicable and its going as well as can be expected, so there are plenty of thing to look forward to and be thankful for.

Not gonna lie though, this is pretty stressful, so if I’m maybe not up to speed some days, know that it’s not because of you!

Anyway, just wanted to give you all a heads up. See you soon for yarny goodness :)