WYS Blue Faced Leicester Aran Fleece

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WYS Aran Fleece BFL Roving.jpg
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WYS Aran Fleece BFL Natural.jpg
WYS Aran Fleece BFL Roving.jpg

WYS Blue Faced Leicester Aran Fleece


Blue Faced Leicester wool, or BFL as it’s more commonly called, is a fleece from the long haired Blue Faced Leicester sheep, a native UK hill dweller. Its fleece is long and lustrous, soft and silky, with an excellent handle and strength.

The shades of this yarn are natural colours of the fleece. The Ecru is a plied aran weight yarn, and the Roving Variations is just as it says - a single ply aran weight roving, with tonal variations of light and medium grey-brown running through it.

They both feel amazing in the skein, and are surprisingly soft to work with. You can really feel the silkiness inherent in the yarn.

Ideal for perennial favourite garments like the Seve jumper by Isabell Kraemer. on Ravelry

Ecru BFL has a meterage of 166m in a 100g skein

tension is 18 sts and 24 rows to 10cm using 5mm needles.

Roving Variations has a meterage of 150m per 100g skein

tension is 19 sts and 24 rows to 10cm using 5mm needles.

Both are recommended to be washed by hand - if you want to use your washing machine, it depends how much you trust your machine. If in doubt, try washing a square using the most delicate wash setting you have on your machine.

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